have been involved in Personal Training for five years and the single
biggest conclusion that I have come to as regards fitness is that THERE
ARE NO EASY OPTIONS. It would be truly wonderful if there was
a magic pill that could be taken to give us our perfect look or put us
in perfect health. Personally I'm very grateful there isn't because I'd
be out of business!!
In all seriousness, achieving your goals whatever they may be is all
about sacrifice. This can come in many forms from not drinking five pints
of beer a night to sticking to your exercise regime. Don't despair though,
I've always believed that sacrifice is made easier if what you're doing
is fun and puts a smile on your face. Variety is the spice of life and
I always look to add it in to my training programmes.
In the end as we all know it all boils down to how much you
want it