Most Recent Articles
23 November 2013
As Christmas approaches, the option of keeping the charming little dears quiet for a few hours with a tablet looks quite enticing... Then they can be learning from the various educational features while their older relatives have a small glass of wine. We compare some of the more promising models on offer for younger and older children.
4 November 2013
A real-world hands-on review of one of the the tablets available on the web today. It's a cheap, no-nonsense machine that might be used as a second tablet or for the children. But considering the price, we really are getting a lot for our money these days compared with the PCs of five years back.
10 October 2013
Have you looked at the Apple iPad Mini thinking I could do with one of those. But then the price... Well here we've put together a little comparison chart of some of the many alternatives that look alike, but are actually much cheaper Android clones...
8 October 2013
Our own British supermarket, Tesco, has made its first foray into selling branded tablets by producing the Tesco Hudl. But it's a very competitive market. We compare the Hudl to its strongest competitors - the iPad Mini, Google's Nexus 7 and Amazon's Kindle Fire HD. Significant parts of the specs are laid out in a table.
17 September 2013
If you wanted a serious phablet over the last year or so, you didn't have much choice, to be honest - you would choose the Samsung Galaxy Note 2... But now there are a couple more on the way. Compare the specs of the new ones and the ones you can buy already.
3 September 2013
While you've been on the beach, the world has not stood still. Here's a quick roundup so you can explain to your boss that you were reading the FT while you were in the sun...
30 August 2013
No one could say he wasn't given a fair chance to succeed as CEO of Microsoft. When he took up the post, it was surely the most powerful position in the technology sector - so how did he do?
We consider the the evidence, but the conclusions don't seem to be quite the same as the others you may have been reading.
Galaxy Looking Back to the Future - A wobbly summer launch for Samsung's new Tab 3
23 August 2013
The Galaxy Tab series of slates from Samsung has always been carefully judged - like the iPads -to be just good enough. But this time one of the three, at least maybe just not quite good enough. See the details.
Surface Tension - Want a Microsoft Surface Pro - Make them an Offer
28 July 2013
Things haven't been going too well down on the coal surface. Sales haven't been quite so promising as we were led to believe. See the details.
19 July 2013
[Update - Rumour has it that Intel had found a way for their chip to avoid doing some of the work..?]
Updated article.
Blimey, guv'nor, is that an Intel in your tablet? After a long time playing catch-up, Intel at last have a low-power chip in Clover Trail+, which looks like it will be able to take on the heavy ARMs of the opposition camp without the battery running down half way through - like those bunnies in the old advert.
28 June 2013
A shiny new box is here to test which looks like a big step towards letting you combine access to a virtualised copy of your legacy Windows desktop and applications with all the Android apps you are yearning for... and a high resolution screen display - or Full HD, as we now have to call it.
And we hope it will only sip the tiniest amounts of electricity while you're using it.
Update: Our recommended tablets swapping around...
25 June 2013

The Sony Tablet Z and ZooStorm PlayTab almost get a recommendation - but not quite.
Alternatively discover the ones that did make the cut.
Or here to see a comparison of the specs.
15 May 2013
Even the company themselves are getting a little twitchy about Windows 8 as this fairly candid acknowledgement reveals.
Is she about to toss it out of the window?
Read more here.
12 April 2013
It isn't what any of us were expecting... Virtualisation still has plenty to offer, but valuable lessons need to be learned.
20 March 2013
There it is. The world population is 7 billion, and counting... but ARM Holdings' designs were used on 8.7 billion chips shipped during 2012. So as Warren East steps down, he can be happy to have achieved quite a bit - here!
7 January 2013
Packing in some impressive specs and probably for a bargain price, we predict the 9.7 Titanium HD will turn some heads when it's released later this year. Read our initial impressions here!
New comparison chart: High Resolution Tablets
7 January 2013
We've created a new comparison table for the inevitable influx of new super-high resolution slates, which we class as containing screen resolutions above the apparent benchmark of 1280 x 800. So far this includes the Apple iPad, Google Nexus 10 and Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9, but expect many additions throughout the new year.
Get comparing here!
The Rise of the Phablet and the Smaller Tab
5 December 2012
The Samsung Galaxy Note II continues Samsung's venture into the 'phablet' market to exploit the gap that remains between smartphones and fully blown tablets - but competitors won't let them grab the market without a fight! Read more.
In slightly bigger (in a physical sense) news, with the iPad Mini, Apple have joined Google, Samsung and Amazon in the race to capture the smaller tab (6 to 8 inches) market. Click here for a brief roundup of events in the smaller tab world.
UPDATE: Our comparison table for the Phablets is now up and running over here, take a look!The Microsoft Surface RT - Does it do the Business?
13 November 2012
Windows 8 - and the new Surface RT that it comes on - carry with them the huge weight of all Microsoft's expectations in the light of dwindling desktop and netbook sales. Our new think piece considers whether the humble Surface will do the business for business users, and for the rest of us - or have Microsoft delivered too little too late?
Padfone on sale in the UK
20 September 2012
After quite a while waiting in the wings for repeated design refinements, Asus' most innovative product yet is now available to buy. This comprises a phone which slots into the back of a screen making what is effectively an Android tablet. This can, in turn, be slotted into a keyboard / battery dock giving something which closely resembles a traditional notebook. And all communicating via Wi-Fi - or via a single SIM card slotted into the smartphone part of the multi-hybrid gadget.
But that's not all... What if you receive a call when the phone is docked under its little cover? Well in that case, instead of going in for huge-gadget embarrassment, you can go right to the other extreme and use the stylus as a Bluetooth phone headset to take the call - effectively using what appears to be a pen as your phone. How James Bond is that?
All Hail the AllWinner
3 April 2012
There was a big fanfare for the new iPad 3, but the new AllWinner A10 has started to slip in to the UK with hardly a whisper. Wait ten years and maybe we will look back on this humble little chip and judge it just as important as the almighty Apple giga-tab.
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NATPC - for Tablets or Termites
11 May 2012
Maybe your house has too few cheap Android gadgets - or too many termites. Either way you could turn to NATPC. What kind of a company is this
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Archos vs. Cambridge Sciences - which Brand is More Real?
9 December 2011
of these gadget makers really figures in the marketing war, but both have set themselves out from the crowd of "white box" manufacturers by producing Honeycomb slates well before most of the Chinese manufacturers and even before some of the more famous brands.
We've prepared a table showing equivalent models from each Archos and Cambridge Sciences and samples of the competition.
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Carphone Warehouse statement confirms it: Best Buy, UK closing
8 November 2011
But also "Wireless World" opening. So... is it good news or bad news? Whichever, it is Bye bye, Best Buy, bye bye.
HP pulls all WebOS devices - including the TouchPad 9.7"
22 August 2011
In a shock turn last week, HP decided that they really are taking their move away from consumer products seriously, by announcing the discontinuation of all WebOS devices.
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Tablet OS Review
16 August 2011
We now have a full review of the various platforms available on slates, such as Apple iOS and Android - and we'll be maintaining it to keep you up to date with future developments
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A Tablet to Reduce Back Pain
27 July 2011
No, not a pill... I was asked to suggest a slate PC that might save a friend having to carry a laptop on frequent flights for work.
Coffee Shops must Embrace the Virtual Office
21 July 2011
After trying to install my virtual office in two coffee shops I don't usually visit, here's a brief rant about why it's important - for the coffee shops as much as for the traveling-office types - to get this right.
Access to legacy IT systems is important to people on the move and we need an environment to support this.
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