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Archos vs. Cambridge Sciences - which Tablet Manufacturing Brand is More Real?

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Neither of these gadget makers really figures in the marketing war between the many big brand contenders for a piece of the mobile market niche, but both have singled themselves out from the crowd of "white box" manufacturers by offering a wide range of diffferent slates even before some of the more famous brands.

They have also both held good positions amongst Amazons top sellers over a significant period of time and with quite a broad range of products - different sizes, different features, keyboards and so on.

The process of gaining and losing popularity is rather cyclical and this year, t competition in the semi-branded zone from NATPC and A1CS nad LĂ©likTec.

Archos also continues to hold quite a strong position at UK high street retailers (for instance at stores like PC World). The company, who are actually French, also have a significant track record, a recognised logo, a proper website, a call centre of sorts and several other product groups (like MP3 players and a recently added line in mobile phones).

Equivalent Models from Archos, Cambridge Science and Alternatives
Type Big Brand Archos Model Cambridge Sciences White-box Alternative
10" Apple iPad 4 Archos 101 Titanium Quad Core 16GB StarPAD 10

Ployer Momo20 Quad Core
10" Flytouch Superpad 7

9-10" with keyboard cover Asus Transformer TF300T Gen10 101 XS Turbo with magnetic coverboard 16GB StarPAD 9 with keyboard case Choose from many separate keyboards
7-8" Kindle Fire HD
Apple iPad Mini
Archos 80 Titanium
9-10" High Definition Apple iPad 4 Titanium 97 HD None Onda V972 Quad Core
11" plus Asus Vivo TF810C with Windows 8 Cominig Soon None None

Cambridge Sciences have been improving on these counts. They have an office in Weybridge, Surrey, a premium rate phone number, and a logo - a kind of digital version of the Conservative Party's oak tree.

Since this page was last updated, they now also have a UK website, but their independent presence on the high street is not so impressive - and they still don't really figure in the press.

Does it matter? It probably does matter a bit. A company like this does not vouch for their products to quitethe same extent. They are less likely to offer software upgrades or to be prepared to enter into lengthy discussions as to whether or not your product is faulty.

But at the right price, perhaps this kind of issue is not that important.


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